Work a niche to build a boutique clientele paying you $50,000+ a year.

The smaller your niche, the easier it is to make an impact.  Shooting for every prospective client is like shooting a Buffalo with a BB gun.  They won’t even know you're there.   You need a bigger gun or a smaller target market if you want to stop wasting your marketing efforts.

You have limited resources and can not ‘get 'em all.’  Pick a targeted market that needs your services and focus on making yourself the local authority.   Over the next year, you’ll see a dramatic increase in the number of grade-A clients on the books.  Over the next few years, you’ll have 20 of the best clients imaginable.  That means fewer employees,  less chaos and higher profits.

Let's take a sample city like Tucson, AZ; there are 3,030 licensed contractors in the general area.  You can go to a mailing list service like Data Axel or any other online and buy all 3k for 15 cents each.   

 But don’t buy them all. My guess is the guy who is billing $400,000 a year cannot pay you $50,000, so why bother?  The only way you’ll ever build a high-end practice is to stop taking low-end clients TODAY. The big guys are out there. They are better clients than small builders, and they will pay more.    

Ask the list broker to sort the list down to those doing between one and ten million in revenue.  When I did the sort on Data Axel today, it came back with 1,089.   THOSE are my target clients.  

So how do you sell those big boys?

Do something no one else in town has done to position yourself as the local authority.

1.       Write a book like ‘How contractors can slash their tax bills.

2.       Printing and mailing will cost under $5.00 each – send out 100 a month for free.

3.       Hire a Fiverr to look up all 1,089 names on Facebook and LinkedIn and connect with them.

4.       Capture emails when possible, and send updates about your work once a month.

5.       Post 200-word chunks from your book on all the social media sites.  The connections will see it.

6.       Buy advertising about your book that targets contractors only and in your county only. 

7.       Use the book to get invited to speak at local trade groups.  They love authors.

8.       Find out who else your best contractors do business with.  What bankers, insurance agencies, and other financial-related professionals?  Gift your book to those people.  You will get referrals to their other clients.    Put these people on your social media as well.

9.       Have a special page on your website that addresses high-net-worth contractors, and put that URL into your book and your ads and emails.   Put your mobile phone on that one page.  Only the 1,089  will see your number, and you want them to call without leaving messages and such.    

In under a year, you will be the most famous advisor in town in that niche of 1,089.  Every year 20% of the people in business want to change their advisor.  You only need 2% of the niche to build your dream firm. Your book proves you understand the problems of the multi-million dollar contractor.  It says you are the authority.  They will call you and already know what you want to do for them.  Easy sales.

Let's chat if you want to discuss what's involved in writing a book.  I’ll gift you a 30-minute consultation on how to get your book done fast and cheap.    Click below to access my calendar.